The Grand Opening of the Southeast Stadium

Mariam Alnassiry and

Even a few days ago we weren’t sure if the stadium would be ready for the game but here we are homecoming in the new home of the buffs.

“Yesterday we had no idea we were going to be able to be playing here tonight we were coming out from our pre practice and I got a call at 3:15 and it was Kyle the AD and he said there’s going to be an inspection in the morning and if it goes well your playing here and I was like man no way I told them there’s no chance hopefully we’ll have more stuff ready next year to call this place our home it’s an awesome feeling,” Coach Counts said.

“I have been talking about this all year in band because we are excited to be able to play in it but we couldn’t because it wasn’t done,” Kayla Thomas said.

“For sure students didn’t want to come out here since we didn’t have anything but here we are,” Isaiah Rodrigueiz said.

Families are also excited to see their students out on the field.

“I think it will give the kids some confidence and let them have their own spot they deserve and they should have had it earlier,” Greg Sallee said.

“It’s awesome its time southeast deserves this stadium I think its wonderful for the students and school,”  Sarah Witt said.

Athletic director Kyle Haught explains why the stadium took so long.

“just the stars have to align. Especially with budgets and funding and finding the right contractor and things like that. The good news is its hereto stay and we can continue to make improvements,” Kyle Haught said.