Possible BOE Voting Changes


Kristy Duong

Currently, everyone can vote in any district during BOE elections.

“You have individuals that are elected from their local districts, and they go to a city-wide election. Very much like a governor or mayor. If you are within the USD259 area then you vote for all board members,” USD 259 Executive Director of Government Relations Zack Hood said.

But there is a new idea proposed that will be on the November ballot. Instead of voting for anyone you can only vote for representatives in your district.

“Completely within your district. Based on our geographic areas we have within USD 259,” Hood said.

Those in favor say it’s all about representation.

“We don’t vote for every state representative. That would be a whole mess if we voted for every state representative. It just makes sense that we vote for a person that just represents our district and not a whole entire school district,” Junior Andrew Le said.

But Le says he understands the other side as well. 

“Diana Albert brought up a good point. When we look at how our schools feed into each other. You might start up in elementary school in district 1 but then you might end up in high school in district 3 at East High. It’s just how do we work around this feeder system to make sure we’re best accurately representing our students and parents,” Le said.

These proposed changes will affect the board but also students and their future.

“Step up and vote and run for office. Be engage. Be in those positions of power. So you’re able to make decisions for the better of our community and futures. We are the future,” Le said.

If you turn 18 by the November election you’ll be able to weigh in on this change.