Virtual Clubs
Students in LAC decorate the sidewalk with positive messages for teachers. LAC is one of the few student organizations that has been active during virtual learning.
Clubs and student organizations were a big part of school life, even for those who aren’t involved in the clubs themselves. Whether it’s getting fried rice from the Asian Cultural Club, or signing petitions for the GSA (gay straight alliance). Most people participated in club activities in one way or another, but the question is, what are clubs doing with remote learning?
One notable organization is Freshman Mentoring. In the past, Freshman Mentoring has sent mentors to freshman Seminar classes to lead lessons about different social skills, how to succeed in the classroom and how to work as a team.
“Because we started out remote and Seminar class time cut in half, we don’t really have the time to send mentors into different meetings,” Jacob Thimesch, the Freshman Mentoring sponsor, said.
Another club that has been very active in the past is the Asian Cultural Club. The club is probably one of the most recognizable clubs at Southeast because of their many fundraisers. A fan-favorite club activity is Fried Rice Friday, where during lunch, members of the club sell fried rice to students and teachers. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and remote learning the club currently isn’t doing anything, according to Marybeth Banno-Rizzo the Asian Cultural club sponsor.
Even though most clubs aren’t able to meet in person, some are finding ways to do things virtually.
Thespians have attended a virtual theater festival to keep their club active during lockdown. The FFA has also been attending virtual events in order to maintain club activities during remote learning.
Although most clubs aren’t active during remote learning, people are hopeful that clubs will resume when school gets back in person next semester.