BOE Decision

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Ernestine Krehbiel speaks during a discussion on whether or not to remain in remote learning for the second quarter.

Gia Hernandez, Reporter

This school year has been confusing to many people, especially with the USD259 Board of Education constantly making new decisions.

the board decided to make middle and high school fully remote until further notice, with elementary in a hybrid model. This was due to the 15.4% COVID positivity rate in Sedgwick, which by the boards own gating criteria mean that everyone should be doing remote school. “Any decision you guys (the board) make tonight will not be able to reverse the high rate of COVID-19 in our own community unless the community also does things,” said Dr. Paul Teran, assistant professor of pediatrics, KU school of medicine, a member of the coronavirus task force.

“Students should return to the school when it is safe to return,” Kimberly Howard, Presidents of the teachers’ union, said at the Nov.9 board meeting.

The board also made the decision to make elementary fully remote during a meeting on Monday,Nov.30.

The  board is planning on reconvening at the end of the second quarter, Jan.11, to go over any new information and decide what their next plan of action is.