How Clubs and Extracurriculars Are Engaging Virtually

Theatre students take part in a virtual performance of “Boo.”

Alaejah Robinson, Reporter

With school switching to strictly online. Clubs and extracurricular are having to find creative ways to keep students and their clubs active. Teachers like Mrs. gates are finding many tools to use to keep their daily activities engaging.

“We have been using a lot of tools. Like I have a theme for every day. Monolog Monday. Tech Tuesday. Word Wednesday day which is usually a Near Pod. Throwback Thursday which is history then Flipgrid Friday! And I have pretty much maintained that every week. And all of my classes have engaged in all of this new technology and new ways to learn theater,” Martha Gates said.

The band used to be a major part of school actives. Now they’re having to figure out new ways to participate. Some bands students feel they’re missing out on important skills with the sudden change of their class.

“I think I am missing out on making myself a better musician while I play because well the corona and…what I have done to us. It really does bring us back…a level…because it is harder to learn now,” sophomore Jessica Martinez said.

Classes are not the only ones being impacted. Organizations like the Student Council are finding it difficult to stay active during online schooling.

“This year has been very difficult. I would not say super difficult, but it has been quite a challenge because we don’t have homecoming and everything, we do is online. I think the hardest thing right now is getting…students’ involvement. Most of the people who have been involved in like spirit week are student council members and student council executives…Its been a challenge but we expect to do the same curriculums,” STUCO Vice President senior Christina Tran said.