After winter break, you may have noticed that giant TVs have suddenly appeared in classrooms around the school.
“Well first off it’s not a TV, it’s a giant tablet with all kinds of capabilities,” history teacher Ryan Field said.
Many teachers at Southeast have come to appreciate the qualities of the new screens compared to the old smart boards.
“One of my favorite things is the talk-to-text, that is a big benefit that I see that is helpful for a lot of my kids that cannot hear clearly or have the inability to hear clearly,” business teacher Kinsey Colclasure said.
“You can scroll back and forth like your home button where you pull up all the stuff you have running and switch back and forth and have like eight different things running at once… You can, like, totally interact with it, have stuff open that you want and close stuff that you don’t, you can have multiple tabs of things, so it’s literally just like running a tablet,” Field said.
Although there are many positive aspects about the new technology, some teachers still have issues with them.
“I haven’t gotten the sound to work on them so, the sound is an issue and it will just randomly disconnects here and there, but really those are my main issues with it is the connection and the sound,” business teacher Kaitlyn Hoover said.
The Clear-touch TVs are a new way to get students engaged in class.
“I get kids up more often, they come up and use it, they interact with it. So, we, like, we’ll put documents up there and people will come look at it,” Field said.
As time goes on, teachers will continue learning how to use their TVs and find ways for the technology to benefit their classes best.