This school year, science teachers Cameron Goodrich and Emily McKnight started a new scholars bowl club that will compete in different academic subjects.
“Well one, sports are not my thing. So, play to your strength like academics. And so I thought, hey let’s just get these kids together and start doing trivia questions, academics, just kind of promote that side of Southeast,” Goodrich said.
Scholars bowl is a trivia game where they quiz you about a variety of topics.
“Picture students, five on a team. They have these little buzzers, the moderator reads them a question and if they know it, they can buzz in, the moderator addresses them and they can provide an answer and if its correct, you get 10 points,” Goodrich said.
Scholar’s bowl is a chance for people to compete in academics rather than sports.
“Scholar’s bowl is basically where you can test your knowledge from what you’ve learned from school,” scholars bowl participant Gabrielle Wright (11) said.
“It’s kind of a sport but also a game where there’s a lot of trivia related to school. it’s kind of like jeopardy, ” participant Jordan Bass (11) said.
The club has been going for a little over a month and is still looking for more members interested testing their knowledge.
“It seemed fun at the time. Goodrich is my zoology teacher so he kind of convinced me. overall, I just thought it would be an interesting experience,” Bass said.
“Mainly just because I like to learn about random things and it’s really fun,” Wright said.
The team hopes to do well on their first tournament on November 14.