Several Long-Time Teachers Leaving Southeast
This year, many of our well known teachers are leaving Southeast. Art teacher Cheryl Bangle, business teacher and volleyball coach Valerie Most, head counselor Erica Winkenwader, spanish teacher Johnny Belton and social studies teacher Kathy Saar will all be retiring after this year.
“My time here has been great! Enjoy the students um they’re also creative … very creative,” Bangle said.
“I’ve just really enjoyed it, everyone just gotta keep strong and you know make learning an important part of your life,” Most said.
“It has truly been a blast, and I wish you guys the best,” Saar said.
Social studies teacher Rob Maddux and instructional coach Thomas Auge will be leaving southeast for different job positions.
“I just have really enjoyed teaching at Southeast, and I think it’s a great school. I’ll still be able to come around because my job I help out social studies teachers so I feel lucky I still get to come back and see people,” Maddux said.
“I wouldn’t trade any of my experience for the world,” Auge said.
Students say that all these teachers have had a big impact on their lives.
“It’s kind of sad seeing some of these teachers go, cause a lot of them I’ve personally experienced. Like either throughout high school or most of my high school life already. And a lot of them have been at Southeast for a really long time. And to see them retire, leave or go off to better things is really sad but it’s good for them,” Tammy Nguyen said.
Let’s wish all these teachers the best.