Watch Our Garden Grow
A rendering of the proposed greenhouse.
Southeast could soon have a new addition to its growing agriculture infrastructure: a new greenhouse.
“We’ve requested one that could hold a class of 40 in it. So, it’s gonna be a very large greenhouse … to be attached to a larger classroom building, so we would actually have more space to do the agriculture program in,” agriculture teacher Joanna Farmer said.
“I’m sure that it will take a couple of years to get it all squared away, so I don’t look for it to be finished, probably for at least two years because it takes a year to get the designs and everything finalized.” Farmer also explains what the greenhouse may look like and how big it will be.
Students are excited about the future of the program.
“Yeah, I’ve heard about it. Our teacher has talked about it a bit. I think it’s great that they’re giving more attention to the agricultural part of the school. I really feel it’s underrepresented right now, which is why the greenhouse is a great solution,” Tyler Schultz (12) said.
“When it does get built I would like to go in there, because I like to plant,” Skye Mayhugh (11) said. “We’ll have a better chance at growing stuff outside and they won’t die, like last year. I would like more flowers when we get it and some watermelon maybe,” Sandra Basurto (11) said.
“Originally a greenhouse was going to be here at Southeast when they built the building, but funding was running low, so they didn’t add it,” Farmer said. “Last year we were working on a grant to try to get that established. I didn’t quite work out, but we were constantly looking for funding, and I guess the district has figured out a way to do it.”
Having a greenhouse on campus will greatly benefit the agriculture program.
“There are a lot of job opportunities that can spring from having that greenhouse out here. A lot of things that students can learn that they can go straight into a career with just by having a greenhouse here on campus,” Farmer said. “Hopefully, we can offer a lot of classes like Floral Design and Greenhouse Management and a lot of different things that the students can learn more about plants in general.”
While students and Farmer already having a plan for how the greenhouse will be used in the future, administration are still working to get the funding finalized for the greenhouse.
“It looks as if we are going to apply for it again this year,” Principal Ben Mitchell said. “Fingers crossed potentially we get it and it adds to our agricultural footprint here in the Southeast building. Which would be great.”