New Southeast Coffee Shop Open for Business
Earlier in the year teachers around the district received an Edge Grant for Education which is money given to teachers to help educate their students. Ms. Colclasure used the edge grant to start a coffee shop and teach students about business and marketing which was a big process.
“So as soon as we got the grant it was finding the space, cleaning the space, being able to create an inventory idea of what we need in order to get this going,” business teacher Kinsey Colclasure said.
Student helpers are very involved behind the counter.
“First we sanitize our hands, grab our cups and if it’s a hot coffee we just fill it up at our machine over there and if it’s a cold brew then we scoop ice into the cup and fill it up with our cold brew in the pitcher,” student helper Sierra White said.
With the shop just opening, students are excited to try it out.
“I think it’s really cool. I didn’t actually hear about it until yesterday and I saw the sign and I was like what the heck is star buffs but like coffee? okay,” customer Julia Harvey said.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve had coffee so I was really looking forward to this,” said customer Tehillah Jackson.
As the shop grows and gains more attention students hope it will be a successful business.
“I think it will definitely grow like a lot of people, cause I’ve been asking people about it and not a lot of people know but that everyone has coffee cups walking around I think it’s gonna spread around,” said star buff customer Cadon Long.
“I think it would improve a lot because now it’s just becoming a thing, I think more people will start buying things and we also have old southeast merch that we’re also purchasing. I think it will be very successful,” said Harvey
If you want a coffee cup for yourself the Star Buffs coffee shop will be opened during lunch on even days in room F203.