Edge Grants

Recently Teachers around the District have been given an Edge Grant for Education, which is money that is given to teacher to help better educate their students.
“My program I’m trying to grow is marketing and so I was able to get a $1,500 grant to be able to help get a coffee shop a more mobile one for our kids to be able to have something more on the daily to use in our marketing department,” business teacher Kinsey Colclasure said.
L-Q Counselor Boyd Teemant was another recipient and he explains how he is going to use his money.
“To put a sand pit a multipurpose sand pit which will probably be mostly volleyball but it will be multi purpose so you can play volleyball on it and anyone can do that it will be across all those disciplines,” Teemant said.
Both of these projects are currently a work in progress so keep an eye out for them once they are ready to go.